In the News

CSUEB Partners with Bridges to Jobs

Web Interviews
Proclamation - October 2011 declared Alan Grant Month

In response to our Board Member Dr. Alan Grant, Ed.D stepping down from day-to-day duties as an Advisory Board Member, the month of October has been declared Alan Grant Month at Bridges to Jobs. This is to honor Alan's outstanding contribution as an Advisory Board member to our group.
Research Projects

Indiana State University's Department of Communication Disorders and Psychology has asked Bridges to Jobs to participate in a follow-up to the study done in May 2011 as shown below.
Many of our members participated in the initial study and were able to add valuable material for this important research study.
May 2011
Indiana State University's Department of Communication Disorders and Psychology has asked Bridges to Jobs to participate in a doctoral thesis research study on the impact of unemployment on marital relationships in the current economy.
March 2011
Chuck Castagnolo, Founder of Bridges to Jobs, posted the following on the Over 50 and Out of Work Blog. You can read the article here. March 2011 Please check out "Over 50 and Out of Work". Videos of three of our members, Mike Boyd, Sheila Cooper and Joseph Wong are featured. Click on 100 Stories. January 2011 Bridges to Jobs was invited to be part of a national documentary on people who are "Over 50 and Out of Work". This documentary as stated on their website " an ongoing multimedia project that documents the stories and the impact of the Great Recession on jobless Americans, 50 and older." You can learn more about this documentary and several of their interviews by clicking on the "Over 50..." link above. |

On November 9, 2009, the Contra Costa Times, Oakland Tribune and Argus Newspapers, part of the Bay Area News Group, ran a front page feature article on Chuck Castagnolo, founder of Bridges to Jobs.
The Tri-City Voice Newspaper, in their January 28, 2009 edition, carried an article on Bridges to Jobs and how we are helping individuals during these difficult times with a safe and supportive environment, and the training we do to help them in their job search. You can read the article here.
The Argus of Fremont, Newark and Union City visited Bridges to Jobs on Saturday, November 15, 2008 and wrote an article on how Bridges to Jobs is giving unemployed individuals a supportive place to go in the community during their job search.
The Tri-City Voice Newspaper, in their September 3, 2008 edition, carried an article on Bridges to Jobs and it first annual Job Acquisition Skills Workshop. You can read the article here.

August 2010
Bridges to Jobs taped their third Comcast Newsmaker segment to promote the annual Job Acquisitions Skills Workshop, for Saturday, September 11, 2010. The airing is randomly scheduled throughout the month of August starting five minutes before the hour and five minutes before the half-hour on CNN Headline News.
July, 2009
Bridges to Jobs taped their second Comcast Newsmaker segment to promote the second annual Job Acquisition Skills Workshop on September 12, 2009. This interview was shown on the various Comcast cable networks throughout the East Bay during the month of August.
June, 2009
Chuck Castagnolo, Founder and Executive Director of Bridges to Jobs, taped a half-hour television program that was broadcast in September entitled "Mental Health in Tough Economic Times". This program was sponsored by Mental Health Matters of Alameda County in Fremont, CA.
December, 2008
Bridges to Jobs taped a Comcast Newsmaker segment that was aired at the end of the half-hourly CNN Headline News. Comcast Newsmakers are featured five minutes before the hour and half-hour and highlight people and groups in the Bay Area who are providing noteworthy services in their community.