Here's what's happening at Bridges to Jobs
We hold virtual workshops on Saturday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. pst
Next virtual meeting, Saturday, September 14
Background Checks
Is your resume and job application accurate and truthful? It's not worth getting hired and then fired because you thought your resume needed some enhancing.
This presentation will show you what goes into a background check and what you should do to prepare yourself and your image for it to be its most accurate and flattering.
Come join us in our virtual workshop to learn more about this topic, and how we can help energize your job search, resume, and interviewing skills.
Next virtual meeting, Saturday, September 14
Background Checks
Is your resume and job application accurate and truthful? It's not worth getting hired and then fired because you thought your resume needed some enhancing.
This presentation will show you what goes into a background check and what you should do to prepare yourself and your image for it to be its most accurate and flattering.
Come join us in our virtual workshop to learn more about this topic, and how we can help energize your job search, resume, and interviewing skills.